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Date : 2024-07-19        Source : New Taipei City Government
After a 5-Year Hiatus! New Taipei Enterprises Successfully Return to the Turkish Market as Deputy Mayor Chu Leads Trade Mission Delegation to Create Billions in Business Opportunities
The New Taipei City Government led 20 New Taipei enterprises to achieve remarkable results at the "TAIWAN EXPO 2024 INDIA." On July 16th, they advanced to Istanbul, Türkiye, to hold a trade fair. This marks the first time since 2019 that the government has led enterprises back to the Turkish market, resulting in significant achievements and widespread acclaim from Turkish businesses. Not only did they facilitate 113 meetings, but they also reached multiple agreements with major local buyers and related enterprises across various industries, initially estimating to generate over NT$100 million in business opportunities in Türkiye.
Dr. Tih-Ju Chu, Deputy Mayor of the New Taipei City Government, expressed that Türkiye is the fastest-opening market in the Middle East, with a unique geographical position blending multiple cultures. Its business scope covers both mature and emerging markets, making it an ideal springboard for New Taipei enterprises to enter countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa. This mission focuses on Türkiye's role as a major European manufacturing hub with high demand for machinery, automobiles, and other related industries. The goal is to promote and deepen bilateral industrial cooperation between Taiwan and Türkiye and further promote industrial exchanges and development between New Taipei City and the local area.
Mr. Chih-Yang Huang, the representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara, who attended the opening ceremony on the 16th, stated that Türkiye is one of the top three destinations for Taiwan's machine tool exports. Among them, Türkiye's large home appliance giant Arçelik has a close cooperative relationship with Taiwan in the semiconductor product field. Türkiye and Taiwan are the 18th and 21st largest economies in the world, respectively, and the two countries have significant complementarities in fields such as machinery, information and communication technology, smart cities, electric vehicles, drones, and e-sports, making the space for industrial cooperation unlimited.
Mr. Necmettin Uzun, President of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Türkiye (DEİK), pointed out that the economic and trade relations between Taiwan and Türkiye can be more diversified. Whether in renewable energy, food, tourism, automotive, or other industries, there are opportunities to create more diverse business exchanges and cooperation. He also looks forward to Türkiye becoming a more attractive investment destination with its continuously growing economy and advantageous location at the hub of Asia, Europe, and Africa, and welcomes New Taipei City enterprises to visit Türkiye.
The New Taipei City Economic Development Department has again used the model of combining exhibition and trade fair (TAIWAN EXPO 2024 INDIA and Türkiye Trade Mission Delegation) this year to expand into emerging markets with great potential, such as South Asia and the Middle East. Enterprises participating in this New Taipei Enterprise Team expressed that many small and medium-sized enterprises are relatively unfamiliar with markets like India or Türkiye. Fortunately, through the city's resources to form a group, besides business negotiations, the in-depth visit itineraries also allow enterprises to grasp market dynamics accurately.
The Economic Development Department emphasized that the "New Taipei City Trade Mission 2024" has facilitated over NT$400 million in overseas business opportunities in India and Türkiye. This success is attributed to all the excellent enterprises participating in the plan. New Taipei City will continue to pay attention to the needs of enterprises and international market trends, demonstrating its determination and action in promoting economic development. In the future, it hopes to invite more outstanding local enterprises to participate and jointly explore overseas business opportunities!